
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What I Learned Today

I am way too impatient to grow carrots.

Even if you put a bumper sticker on your car that says "Be Patient, Be Forgiving, Be Nice to Each Other, Have Self Control, Be Slow to Anger" your kids will still yell and scream at each other (as I witnessed in a minivan at Staples filled with a very loud family post school supply shopping).

When I forget to think about dinner until 5:00pm I can still pull off something delicious, and good for us, supplied mostly by our garden...pasta with sauteed chard, tomatoes, basil, garlic and onions. But, I also learned that Cooper won't eat that so plain buttered noodles and parm. work for him.

Drag queens on Project Runway is an excellent idea!


Emilie said...

i've never seen such cute twisty little carrots!


Kara said...

I love the carrots!!Did you make the pasta? it sounded delish!! Also, Project Runway was very entertaining tonight!! Jeorge and I were laughing at their names.